The Order (Silent Hill)

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The Order is a cult that features in Silent Hill.



The Order

A ritual conducted by the Order looked to infuse the soul of their god into the body of a young girl named Alessa Gillespie. However, it went awry and was only a partial success as only half the god's soul was born into the girl, who split herself into a second child. This child was discovered on the side of the road near Silent Hill by Harry Mason and his wife who adopted her and later named her Cheryl Mason. At the beginning of the first game, Harry returns with Cheryl to Silent Hill and Cheryl fuses back with Alessa.

They were responsible for the manufacturing and distribution of a drug called PTV which was derived from a plant indigenous to the area called White Claudia. The primary clientele for the group was tourists visiting from out of town. It is believed that the White Claudia drug has hallucinogenic/psychotropic properties that allow the cult members to brainwash or control its users. The Silent Hill police force, in conjunction with police force of Brahms, a neighboring town, were in the process of investigating the drug ring. A Brahms police officer named Cybil Bennett became involved after the Mayor of Silent Hill and a narcotics officer named Officer Gucci both died under suspicious circumstances.

Later on, a series of murders were conducted by Walter Sullivan who had been educated at the Silent Hill orphange run by the Order and became heavily influenced by the teachings of the cult. He attempted to conduct a ritual called the 21 Sacrements by killing 21 people. The original intent of the ritual was to trigger the descent of God, however, Walter's intent is to be reunited with his mother, whom he believed was in Room 302.


In appearance, the Order was a proselytic doomsday cult that worshipped archaic gods and paid tribute to an array of their own saints.

Their plans seem to include the resurrection of their god and, through that resurrection, salvation of mankind and abolition of sin when the world is cleansed by fire.

The figure that was worshipped by the Order was known as The God (ใ‚ดใƒƒใƒ‰, Goddo). Its said to represent the deity known as the Halo of the Sun. The outer ring represents Charity, while the inner, Resurrection. The 3 circles on the inside represent the Past, Present, and Future. It can be drawn in other colors such as black. But when its drawn in blue; its meaning is reversed and a curse on God, therefore its forbidden.


  • Dahlia Gillespie : priestess for the Holy Woman sect.
  • Walter Sullivan :
  • Claudia Wolf : nun of the cult, with intentions that are similar to Dahlia's to raise the Cult's god.
  • Leonard Wolf :
  • George Rosten : a priest of the Valtiel sect, as well as the head of Holy Mother sect. He was also Jimmy Stone's right hand. He devoted himself to raising Walter Sullivan to become a skilled follower. He succeeded in having Valtiel placed into Walter's unconsciousness to permit the 21 Sacraments to take place.


  • The Order was created by Keiichiro Toyama and featured in the setting of the Silent Hill universe.

In other media



  • Silent Hill:

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