Terran Dominion

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The Terran Dominion.

The Terran Dominion is a Human government that features in Starcraft.



The Terran Dominion was an interstellar government formed by the Terrans of the Koprulu Sector. Its origin was to a state that formed before it known as the Confederacy that was a faction that ruled the sector at the time. This government was noted for its brutal handling of worlds under its control such as the planet of Korhal which saw it being bombarded with nuclear weapons. In response, a revolutionary group formed known as the Sons of Korhal led by Arcturus Mengsk who sought to topple the Terran Confederacy. Around this time, contact with extraterrestrial life was made with hostile actions from the Zerg and Protoss races that destroyed entire Terran worlds. Mengsk used this as an opportunity to launch strikes against the Confederacy which culminated in him deploying a Psi-Emitter device on the state's capital of Tarsonis. The machine created a psychic signal that attracted the attention of the Zerg Swarm who ravaged, destroyed and infested that planet. This resulted in the destruction of the Confederacy and Mengsk used this opportunity to establish the Terran Dominion with himself as its Emperor where he vowed to protect the people from hostile threats.

Dominion forces were present on the planet Braxis when they were overcome by the Protoss and Kerrigan who were looking to claim the Uraj crystal located on the world.

Afterwards, the world of Boralis came under a strike force belonging to the United Earth Directorate. Despite the defences, the command center was overwhelmed and destroyed by Confederate Resistance Forces headed by Lieutenant Samir Duran showed the UED and alternate route behind Dominion lines. Taking over the world, the UED came to access the Dominion's primary datanet.

Crown Prince Valerian Mengsk came to use the Dominion's vast resources to scour the sector for Xel'Naga artifacts.

Dominion forces set up a logistics headquarters in Backwater Station, which become the hub for all operations on Mar Sara. Not long after the Dominion pulled troops out of the city, Raynor destroyed the logistics headquarters with help from the locals, inciting an open revolt against the Dominion. Satellite 1 reported unusual activity in the Char system. The Dominion Fleet was put on alert. As the Dominion was getting ready to move the artifact off-world, Raynor's marines destroyed White Rock Base and seized the artifact. Mengsk declared that anyone found in possession of the artifact would be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law. Meanwhile, a Dominion jorium freighter was hijacked by pirates. The Dominion was invaded by the zerg, leading to the outbreak of the Second Great War. Mengsk pulled the fleet back to the protect the core worlds, abandoning the fringe worlds, including Agria. Emperor Mengsk then declared new austerity measures and reactivated General Warfield who began Operation Burnout to clear the Sara system. The First Fleet took part in the operation as the core worlds were fortified. Massive refugee fleets struggled to reach the safety of the core worlds. The death toll soared due to shortages of food and water. A mass recall of former retired soldiers began, with many attempting to avoid going back into service. Conscription stations opened across the core worlds after the Kel-Morian Combine was defeated by the zerg. A Dominion weapons plant on Nephor II exploded, causing a chain reaction that took out several housing complexes in a working-class neighborhood. Dominion Security claimed it was an act of terror by Raynor, but investigations by the Universal News Network suggested that the plant had been infiltrated by rogue Dominion ghosts.

With Zerg sightings all over the Dominion, the First and Second Fleets were gathered to defend the core worlds.


In appearance, the Terran Dominion as an interstellar human nation covering numerous worlds across the Koprulu Sector.

Leadership of the Dominion was held by a figure who had the title of Emperor. There existed a Senate consisting of senior official within the nation.

The Dominion possessed a nobility with great wealth.

Organizations within the nation included:

  • Department of the Military :
  • Central Accounts and Processing Department :
  • Dominion Marine Corps :
  • Science Corps :
  • Project Blackstone :
  • Project Shadowblade : a classified secret research project that was an offshoot of the Ghost Program that looked to create even more powerful psychic operatives called Spectres.
  • Universal News Network :
  • Moebius Foundation :
  • Defenders of Man :

The Dominion was noted for practicing military oppression, forced labor, and unlawful conscription. Rule was maintained through oppression, fear and surveillance and makes extensive use of propaganda in order to control its citizens.

A noted public holiday was an vent known as Inauguration Day.

One of the elite units within their military was the Prometheus Company who were considered infestation specialists designed with purging Zerg presences in an area.

It was noted that the Dominion had invested heavily in military technology though their knowledge of biological advances was lacking.

Vehicles used by the Dominion included:

  • Hellbat :
  • A.R.E.S. : a class of powerful warbot often used to defend key facilities.
  • Goliath Combat Walker :
  • Siege tank :
  • A2 Viking Armored Mechanical Hybrid :
  • Thor :
  • Odin : a heavy combat walker that was the prototype for the smaller Thor.

A notable development by the Dominion was the Psi Destroyer which generated an energy field that corrupted the Zerg psychic hivemind. This disrupting their psionic link and tore them apart on the cellular level. The machine required numerous generators to power it which could create a large field to encompass a battlefield.

In terms of territory, the Dominion controlled the greater majority of Terran colonies within the Koprulu Sector. Their homeworld was situated on the ruined planet of Korhal IV with the capital being based at the city of Augustgrad. An orbital defense platform above the world was Sky Shield that was kept in place by atmospheric stabilizers.

The Terran Dominion was divided between the important core worlds and the fringe worlds located at the edges of its territory.

Notable worlds held by the Terran Dominion included:

  • Korhal IV :
  • Dylar IV :
  • Antiga Prime :
  • Braxis :

The Dominion controls the majority of terran colonies in the Koprulu sector. Dominion territory fell within the confines of Dominion Space.

It had established a series of demilitarized zones (DMZs) consisting of a series of systems between their space and those of the Zerg as well as the Protoss.

Within the Castanar system, the Dominion maintained a secret research facility on a large asteroid. It was disguised as a beryllium storage warehouse. The facility was scan-shielded and defended with numerous defense systems, including sentry guns and A.R.E.S. warbots. The facility also housed experimental plasma and even alien weapons.


  • Arcturus Mengsk : a male human who was the founder and emperor of the Terran Dominion.
  • Valerian Mengsk : a male human who was the son of the emperor Arcturus Mengsk.
  • Edmund Duke : a male human who was formerly a General within the Terran Confederacy and headed its Alpha Squadron before defecting to the Sons of Korhal who in turn formed the Terran Dominion.
  • Horace Warfield :
  • Carolina Davis :
  • Matt Horner :
  • November Annabella Terra : a ginger haired female human who was a Terran Ghost special operative.
  • Reigel :


  • The Terran Dominion was created by Blizzard Entertainment and featured in the setting of the StarCraft universe.
  • According to Kate Lockwell's Twitter, it was also known as the Dominion of Man.


  • StarCraft:
  • StarCraft: Brood War:
  • StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty:
  • StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm:
  • StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void:

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