Rikki Barnes

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Rikki Barnes in Nomad: Girl Without a World v1 #1.

Rikki Barnes is a female comic superhero that features in Marvel Comics.




Rikkie Barnes on Counter-Earth in Heroes Reborn v1 One-And-Half.

Rebecca Barnes

Girl Without A World

When the Multiverse was reborn, Franklin Richards began recreating worlds alongside the Molecule Man with this leading to Rikki Barnes rebirth. She inhabited a version of herself located on a world where she was the adoptive daughter of Union Sheriff Captain Steven Rogers but still retained all her past memories. During that life, she was killed by a rifle shot and witnessed a mysterious being that tore apart the sky. After dying, she awoke again in another reality where she was in World War II having enlisted in the war at Normandy with her being Captain America's partner Bucky that hid her gender from his superiors. This was until once again the sky ripped open by the mysterious being and she was killed with her being resurrected again. This time she operated as Bucky and was the sidekick of Captain Peggy Carter who was the female Captain America of this reality and she fell in love with a Valkyrie from another world. This was again until the blackness claimed her life and she awoke now in a future where she was the partner of Danielle Cage who operated as Captain America in her reality. Rikki once again died and awoke in a new reality where Toni Ho was her girlfriend with this being the case until the pair were murdered by the Maker. After that, she awoke once again in a new reality and came to be a prisoner at L'ar Gath Five. She remained there until the Future Foundation arrived where Rikki was freed by Julie Power with the young heroes believing they were rescuing Reed Richards but this turned out to be the Maker. (Future Foundation v1 #3)


Personality and attributes

After being reborn as various versions of herself, Rikki came to be attracted to other women and had been in relationships with them. (Future Foundation v1 #3)

Powers and abilities

As a result of being reborn, she came to be reborn as a different version of herself in various worlds of the Multiverse. She came to remember the lives of these versions of her along with her old memories. (Future Foundation v1 #3)


  • Rikki Barnes was created by Jeph Loeb and Rob Liefeld where she made her first appearance in Captain America (vol. 2) #1 (November, 1996).


  • Captain America v2:
  • Young Allies:
  • Onslaught Unleashed:
  • Future Foundation v1: (2019)

External Links

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