Fae (Carnival Row)

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The Fae are a species that feature in Carnival Row.



The Fae were a collection of races that inhabited the world where they resided in the continent of Tiranoc that was located east of the Great Main Ocean.

Written Tirnanese history begins before that of mankind. Faerish civilization was already well underway while humans were living in Stone Age conditions on the other side of the world. Though for much of early human history, Tirnanoc remained unknown to mankind, apart from a handful of mytho-historic accounts, the rare sailor who strayed too far and returned with fantastical tales. The continent was formally discovered over three hundred years ago by a human explorer, a Cibolan conquistador called Basajuan Riyal, who described it as a place of vast material wealth. Others quickly followed. For the most part, the history of human-faerish relations has been shaped by a complex series of wars and proxy conflicts that flared across Tirnanoc in the intervening centuries as human nations sought to gain control of the land and its wealth: establishing colonies and protection treaties, bolstering sympathetic rulers, and exploiting rivalries to pit various fae nations against one another.


They were divided into a number of species that included:

  • Faeries : almost identical to humans albeit slighter, having four wings and have hollow bones. They age at a slower rate compare to humans. Faeries' main distinction is their ability to fly due to their muscular hydrostat wings. These wings allow faeries to take off and land swiftly, smoothly and quietly.
  • Faun : The faun originate from a band of countries along the west coast of Ignota. The faun are a very old race with a long, robust history, including a succession of empires, which have at times held colonies of their own on the Tirnanese mainland.
  • Trow :
  • Kobold :

Fae magic allowed them to craft golems of flesh called Darkashers that were fashioned out of the limbs of the dead. They were tied to their master and could not die whilst their master remained alive. Darkashers had no thoughts of their own, only those of their master.

The homeland of the Fae was Tirnanoc that was a continent east of the Great Main ocean, and on the western side of the Ignotan continent. Tirnanoc was divided into around twenty nations comprising the original homelands of of the fae and all of the fae races and faiths.


  • Aoife Tsigani :
  • Aisling Querelle :
  • Vignette Stonemoss :
  • Tourmaline Larou :
  • Afissa :
  • Agreus Astrayon :
  • Quill :


  • The Fae were created René Echevarria and Travis Beacham where they featured in the Carnival Row universe.
  • They were based on the myths surrounding Fairies in European folklore.

In other media



  • Carnival Row:

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