Empath (Marvel)

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Empath is a male comic character who features in Marvel Comics.




Manuel Alfonso Rodrigo de la Rocha

House of X

Following the establishment of Krakoa, the living island became the site of a homeland for all Mutants around the world. Empath was among those that came to reside on the island though his mental state caused him to be disruptive as he used his powers to cause conflict among the Mutants there. This led to him being locked away whilst the Quiet Council decided on his fate with this leading to him being assigned to a team of others that were struggling to adapt to life in society. (Hellions v1 #1)


Personality and attributes

A result of his powers came to lead to him developing a warped mind as people did anything his powers asked of them. Thus, the X-Gene had resulted in him forming sociopathic tendencies that made it difficult for him to interact with others and being anti-social. (Hellions v1 #1)

Powers and abilities

Thus, the X-Gene allowed him to control the emotions of others. (Hellions v1 #1)


  • Empath was created by Chris Claremont and Sal Buscema where he made his first appearance in New Mutants v1 #16 (June, 1984).

Alternate Versions


  • New Mutants v1: (1984)
  • Hellions v1: (2020)

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