Burning Crusade

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The Burning Crusade is a conflict that features in Warcraft.



The Burning Crusade was a longstanding conflict that was perpetrated by the demons of the Burning Legion. Its creation came long ago when the Titan Sargeras performed his duty in combating evil across the Great Dark Beyond and Twisting Nether as per his duty as a member of the Pantheon. During his campaigns, many demons were defeated only for him to find that they would simply reform themselves given time. Thus, he came to imprison them but Sargeras in this time came to learn the threat of the Void Lords who looked to spawn a horrible creature by corrupting a planet's worldsoul. For this, they would send their spawn the Old Gods to worlds nurturing a nascent Titan soul within them. This revelation would lead to Sargeras turning from his comrades in the Pantheon where he gathered a horde of demons under his control as they went to destroy any world that would suffer the risk of such corruption. Thus, the Burning Legion was spawned and they waged a war across many worlds as part of their Burning Crusade.

This would culminate in an invasion of the Legion homeworld of Argus itself and the imprisonment of Sargeras within the Seat of the Pantheon, marking the end of the Argus Campaign. With this, the Burning Crusade was brought to a decisive end, and the Legion dealt a crippling blow.


In appearance, the Burning Crusade was a conflict waged by the Burning Legion across countless worlds in the universe.


  • Sargeras : the Dark Titan was a former member of the Pantheon who turned against his kin and headed a vast army of demons where he was the instigator of their war against all worlds.
  • Kil'jaeden :
  • Archimonde :


  • The Burning Crusade was created by Blizzard Entertainment where it featured in the setting of the Warcraft universe.

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