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  • Dungeons and Dragons (Greyhawk), Dungeons and Dragons (Ravenloft): c. 1416 (542 BC). Azalin appears in Barovia, having been pulled from 391 CY on Oerth. He forms an uneasy alliance with Strahd von Zarovich. (Ravenloft Campaign Setting (3rd Edition). Although this was originally used to synchronize 542 BC and 391 CY, it's more likely that Azalin was pulled from 13 years in the future here, rather than the greater god Vecna leaving a Demiplane of Dread- at that brief moment fully under his control- 13 years earlier than the actual, true present in Die Vecna Die! Possibly, the Mists took him from just the right moment during his history on Oerth- being pursued by mercenaries- so that he would be in the right frame of mind and do what was needed in 542 BC.)

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