5th Dimensional Imps

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5th Dimensional Imps are a species that feature in DC Comics.




According to Bat-Mite, imagination was considered the fifth dimension.


On Wonderworld's museum, there resided an evil imp who was trapped within a bottle with six dimension by the inhabitants of Omnitropolis. (JLA v1 #12)

During the war between the royal courts of Lkz and Yz, Green Lantern and Captain Marvel entered into the 5th Dimension and appeal for the aid from the rest of the Imps. By this point, the Imp Qwsp had been rampaging among the lower dimension but the intervention of the rest of his compatriots saw him being arrested for assault under imprisonment article 173 leading to one million infinites in an 8-dimensional maze. (JLA v1 #31)

In the 853rd century, OWAC and the Laughing Virus met with criminal Imps who offered transform them along with their compatriots into 5th Dimensional beings in exchange for their vowels traded to them. This was stopped by the intervention of that century's Batman and Superman who were aided by Bat-Mite with Mxyzptlk. (DC One Million 80-Page Giant 1,000,000) During a battle with Epoch, the Lord of Time frozen the Batman and Superman of this era in a time-loop but the latter hero used his fifth dimensional ancestry to bypass the loop. (Superman/Batman v1 #80)

The New 52

In his jealousy, Vyndktvx stole the Multispear and intended to kill Mr. Mxyzptlk but was unaware that it was simply the king wearing the hat. The death of the king saw 250 worlds being killed instantly where only two planets gave unexpected resistance to the third dimensional Multitude. (Action Comics v2 #15) On Yod-Colu, the being that would become Brainiac determined the existence of the 5th Dimension and its inhabitants. It was this discovery that led him to learn the threat of the Multitude and that his own homeworld was in the path of the horde. Thus, he began experiments starting with his own son in order to upgrade his people in preparing for the coming invasion but was deemed a criminal by his kind. This led to his banishment where he became the Collector of Worlds after upgrading himself where he saved a city on Yod-Colu before it was destroyed by the Multitude. As a result, Vril Dox now known as Brainiac sought the means of stopping the threat from the 5th Dimension. (Superman v3 #23.2)


An Imp was capable of manipulating time and matter along with the power to impose new laws of physics through thought alone. (JLA v1 #28) 5th Dimensional Imps were considered beings of infinite power. Speculation held that because of their nature that they did not understand the concept of mortality.

They held the ability to travel through both time and Hypertime. Such was their control in the overworld that they were able to penetrate third dimensional space at any level and even control it. In fact, they demonstrated the ability to stop time and allow it to resume with ease.

Imp society held that only mischief was allowed in the 3rd dimension and not wide scale distortions. (JLA v1 #31) There was, however, a criminal market who wanted to acquire vowels which they could not get in their home dimension. Thus, they consorted with the inhabitants of the lower dimensions for this treasure and offered to upgrade anyone into 5th Dimensional Genies. (DC One Million 80-Page Giant 1,000,000)

Their science was so sophisticated that it appeared as sorcery to the inhabitants of the third dimension. Fifth dimensional engines appear to operate on pure imagination to the point that they generated thought pollution. (JLA v1 #31) One of their weapons was the Multitude which appeared as a spear to their kind but manifested as a host of monstrous angels in third dimensional space with the power to ravage entire worlds. Other weapons beyond the multi-pointed Multispear that were left over from Chromo-Conflict 2 were the Nothingcoat and the Imaginator. (Action Comics v2 #15)


  • Gzntplzk : queen of the Fifth Dimension who married the Superman of the 67th century and introduced new senses to the Superman Dynasty. (DC One Million v1 #1)
  • Mr. Mxyzptlk :
  • Qwsp :
  • Vyndktvx :
  • Gzntplzk : a female imp who at some point came the Quinto-Queen of Zrrrf and married Superman Purple thus introducing 5-D vision into the family line. (All-Star Superman v1 #6)
  • Klyzyzk Klzntplkz : the male descendant of Superman who was protector of the 5th dimension and came as a result of Superman Purple marrying Quinto-Queen Gzntplzk. (All-Star Superman v1 #6)



  • JLA v1 #28:
  • JLA v1 #31:
  • DC One Million v1 #1: (1998)
  • DC One Million 80-Page Giant 1,000,000 v1 #1: (1999)
  • Superman/Batman v1:
  • Action Comics v2 #15: (2012)
  • Superman v3 #23.2:

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